Chirag Chothani
Teacher(11 Years Exp)
About Me
Prof. Chirag Chothani is a senior faculty having a PAN India teaching experience of eleven long years and more than 20,000 hours in the field of Economics. He has taught this subject at all levels covering Junior college, Degree College, MBA, CA, CS and CMA. ? He has served more than 15,000 students so far with his simplified but conceptual teaching and has made the subject scoring for many. He has served following major states across India for face to face classroom coaching as well as online coaching: - Maharashtra - Gujarat - Chhattisgadh - Delhi - Rajasthan - Karnataka - Telangana - Tamil Nadu - Andhra Pradesh He intends that student must learn economics in such a manner that it will not only help them in CA Inter but also in their professional career. Conceptual clarity is given highest importance along with practical insights wherever required.