Why Video Lectures are Beneficial for CA Aspirants
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Why Video Lectures are Beneficial for CA Aspirants

Posted On Apr 19, 2021

There are different ways to study for professional courses like CA—namely, in-person classroom coaching, live online lectures, and pre-recorded video lectures. In the current situation, classroom teaching has virtually come to a halt and live lectures are not convenient for all students. To make live lectures feasible, both students and teachers need good internet connectivity, or else they face video/audio lags and an overall poor quality of education. Therefore, pre-recorded lectures are one of the best options for students to study and prepare for CA exams at home. 

Many online portals and applications offer pre-recorded lectures for an affordable fee. You can select the full CA course, specific subjects, or just a couple of chapters, pay online, and download the video lectures to study at your leisure, anytime, anywhere.

Here are a few benefits of pre-recorded video lectures to help you decide if these sessions will be suitable for you.

Time and Place Flexibility

For many students juggling CA preparation along with other activities like college lectures and internships, physical classroom learning became an exhausting and demanding addition to their already tight schedules. This left the students with less time for themselves. With CA online coaching and pre-recorded lectures, students can choose their desired time and place of study.  

Multimedia Learning

Along with pre-recorded lectures, it is possible to include other video clips, written study material, or demonstration videos for lab practicals, thus not restricting students to one-dimensional lectures. Notes available through web links offer students instant access to several useful articles. Furthermore, professors can share relevant youtube clips, video podcasts, blogs, audio clips, diagrams, etc., at the learning portal/website. Thus, pre-recorded lectures can be a combination of engaging content, information, and education.  

Course Selection

Many online portals and applications that offer online coaching through pre-recorded video lectures give students various course options. They can choose the full course, various subjects, or particular chapters. This is convenient for students who require study material and content only for specific chapters or subjects as they do not have to pay for the whole course.

At JK Shah online classes, we offer our students various pre-recorded lectures for chapters, subjects, and even group-wise (Group 1 & Group 2) CA online coaching. With personalised study plans, regular tests, and a unified system for doubt-solving, JK Shah online lectures provide students with quality education and several benefits. 

Cut Down on Costs 

When attending regular physical classroom lectures, travelling time and cost can be a significant burden. When studying through pre-recorded lectures, both money and time are saved. Also, students might not have to buy extra books as they have access to a repository of online notes. As an added benefit, pre-recorded video lectures for CA cost less than regular coaching classes.

Pre-recorded video lectures are instrumental for better and faster learning. We, at JK Shah, offer CA online coaching for CA inter and final exams. Visit our online portal today and give your CA preparation the boost it needs.

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