CA Inter, All Subjects(Group 1 & 2) Pack 2. This course is applicable for Jan 25, May 25 & Sep 25 exams.
CA Inter, Paper 1 - Advanced Accounting(Excl. AS) by Prof. Ram Prabhu
CA Inter, Paper 1 - Advanced Accounting : Accounting Standards by Prof. Abbasali Nandoliya
CA Inter, Paper 2 - Corporate and Other Laws by Prof. Amit Mishra
CA Inter, Paper 3A - Income Tax Law by Prof. Aagam Dalal
CA Inter, Paper 3B - Goods and Service Tax by Prof. Nitin Nahar
CA Inter, Paper 4 - Cost and Management Accounting by Prof. Mayuresh Kunkalienkar
CA Inter, Paper 5 - Auditing and Ethics by Prof. Rohit Shroff
CA Inter, Paper 6A - Financial Management by Prof. Rahul Danait
CA Inter, Paper 6B - Strategic Management by Prof. Jigar Joshi
Course Content
780 Lectures. 742:40:19 hrs
Company Final Accounts
2 -
Buy Back of Shares
3 -
Investment Account
3 -
Internal Reconstruction
3 -
Branch Accounts
3 -
Amalgamation, Absorption and External Reconstruction
4 -
Consolidated Financial Statement
4 -
Associate and Joint Venture
2 -
Introduction to AS & Applicability of AS
4 -
Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
1 -
AS 1 - Disclosure of Accounting Policies
2 -
AS 2 - Valuation of Inventory
6 -
AS 3 - Cash Flow Statements
19 -
AS 4 - Contingencies and Event Occurring after Balance Sheet Date
3 -
AS 5 - Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policy
3 -
AS 7 - Construction Contracts
2 -
AS 9 - Revenue Recognition
2 -
AS 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment
7 -
AS 11 - Accounting for Effects for Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
6 -
AS 12 - Accounting for Government Grants
6 -
AS 13 - Accounting for Investment
6 -
AS 15 - Employee Benefits
6 -
AS 16 - Borrowing Costs
5 -
AS 17 - Segment Reporting
6 -
AS 18 - Related Party Disclosures
6 -
AS 19 - Accounting for Leases
7 -
AS 20 - Earnings Per Share
5 -
AS 22 - Accounting for Taxes on Income
3 -
AS 24 - Discontinuing Operations
5 -
AS 25 - Interim Financial Reporting
7 -
AS 26 - Intangible Assets
7 -
AS 28 - Impairment of Assets
17 -
AS 29 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Preliminary (Paper 2A)
8 -
Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto (Paper 2A)
11 -
Prospectus and Allotment of Securities (Paper 2A)
11 -
Share Capital and Debentures (Paper 2A)
14 -
Acceptance of Deposits By Companies (Paper 2A)
8 -
Registration of Charges (Paper 2A)
3 -
Management and Administration (Paper 2A)
15 -
Declaration and Payment of Dividend (Paper 2A)
2 -
Accounts of Companies (Paper 2A)
7 -
Audit and Auditors (Paper 2A)
5 -
Companies Incorporated Outside India (Paper 2A)
3 -
The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (LLP) (Paper 2A)
3 -
The General Clauses Act, 1897 (Paper 2B)
9 -
Interpretation of Statutes, Deeds and Documents (Paper 2B)
13 -
The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (Paper 2B)
Basic Concepts (Paper-3A)
2 -
Residential Status and Scope of Income (Paper-3A)
3 -
Income from House Property (Paper-3A)
4 -
Income from Salary (Paper-3A)
6 -
Profit and Gains from Business or Profession (Paper-3A)
7 -
Capital Gains (Paper-3A)
9 -
Income from Other Source (Paper-3A)
5 -
Clubbing of Income (Paper-3A)
2 -
Agricultural Income (Paper-3A)
2 -
Other Exemptions (Paper-3A)
1 -
Set off and Carry Forward (Paper-3A)
2 -
Deduction from GTI U/C VI-A (Paper-3A)
3 -
TDS, TCS and Advance Tax (Paper-3A)
5 -
Assessment Procedure (Paper-3A)
1 -
Computation of Total Income (Paper-3A)
2 -
Introduction to IDT and Supply (Paper-3B)
9 -
Composition Scheme (Paper-3B)
2 -
RCM and ECO (Paper-3B)
2 -
Time of Supply (Paper-3B)
3 -
Place of Supply (Paper-3B)
4 -
Exemptions (Paper-3B)
5 -
Value of Supply (Paper-3B)
2 -
Input Tax Credit (Paper-3B)
5 -
Registration (Paper-3B)
4 -
Invoice and E-way Bill (Paper-3B)
4 -
Payment of Tax (Paper-3B)
2 -
TDS and TCS (Paper-3B)
2 -
Accounts & Records (Paper-3B)
1 -
GST Returns (Paper-3B)
Cost Sheet
11 -
Absorption Costing
23 -
Job Costing
2 -
Activity Based Costing
6 -
Material Costing
24 -
Unit and Batch Costing
4 -
Process Costing
16 -
Joint Product and By Product
15 -
Service Sector
15 -
Budgetary Control
7 -
Cost Accounting System
12 -
Standard Costing
16 -
Marginal Costing
25 -
Employees Costing
20 -
Nature, Scope and Objectives of Audit
17 -
Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
10 -
Risk Assessment and Internal Control
10 -
Audit Evidence
8 -
Audit of Items of Financial Statements
5 -
Audit Documentation
2 -
Completion and Review
6 -
Audit Report
10 -
Audit of Different Types of Entities
2 -
Audit of Banks
4 -
Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements
12 -
How to Prepare
Introduction to Financial Management (Paper-6A)
1 -
Cash Budget (Paper-6A)
1 -
Ratio Analysis (Paper-6A)
3 -
Estimation of Working Capital (Paper-6A)
3 -
Receivables Management (Paper-6A)
2 -
Payables Management (Paper-6A)
1 -
Leverages (Paper-6A)
2 -
Capital Structure (Paper-6A)
3 -
Cost of Capital (Paper-6A)
4 -
Capital Structure Theories (Paper-6A)
3 -
Capital Budgeting (Paper-6A)
5 -
Cost of Capital 2 (Paper-6A)
1 -
Dividend Decisions (Paper-6A)
3 -
Introduction to Strategic Management (Paper-6B)
8 -
Strategic Analysis: External Environment (Paper-6B)
18 -
Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment (Paper-6B)
8 -
Strategic Choices (Paper-6B)
13 -
Strategy Implementation and Evaluation (Paper-6B)
18 -
Revision (Paper-6B)
CA Inter, All Subjects(Group 1 & 2) Pack 2
780 Lectures
742:40:19 hrs on-demand video
Valid Upto : 12 Months
28 downloadable resources
2 Times Views
₹53.91 / Hour
Hindi + English | Full Course
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